Showing all 4 books
The global fincial crisis that exploded around September 2008 was just one more in a series of crises that have affected more than sixty countries in the era of financial liberalization. Of course the latest crisis is particularly significant in a number of ways: it originated in the core of capitalism, in the United States; it has spread dramatically across the world, even to countries that earlier seemed to be relatively secure; it calls into question many of ...
The explicit adoption of a neoliberal reform programme in mid-1991 by the Indian government was the start of a period of intensive economic liberalization and changed attitudes towards government intervention in the economy. This book surveys the actual experience of the last decade to argue that this strategy has not just failed to deliver sustained growth, but has had damaging consequences from the point of view of employment, poverty alleviation and equity. It ...
A book that fills the mind with beauty and opens the heart to what is lovely and lovable is a treasure forever.†It allows transmission of knowledge from generation to generation and from place to place. Books have always been our best friend and a source of learning. We read and write for many purposes, most of the time they are either social or academic. This manual attempts to serve the academic needs in the field of Special Education and Rehabilitation. ...