Showing all 2 books
Pilgrimage involves movements of people, either as individuals or as members of a group, in search of the sacred. Spontaneous behaviour, miraculous events, and/or ecstatic visions of individual pilgrims have often resulted in complexity in ritual, meaning, and movement. Pilgrimages may start with individual ecstatic visions, unusual strange unworldly experiences, which are the experiences of "ordinary" people, certainly not of priests or politicians. ...
The essays in the Volume explore the symbolic geometry which helped organise the integrated life of traditional cities. Geometries that were cosmic in intent intertwined the three traditional realms of the universe, the celestial macrocosm, the mesocosm, and human microcosm. In these cities, people were not isolated from the large universe. Their lives acquired a certain cosmic meaning by the geometrical structures of the cities they inhabited. The seven ...