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The book discovers the ultimate truth about death – knowledge that is guaranteed to have a profound impact on how you live the rest of your life. It explores the history of death rituals and attitudes from other ages and cultures and uncovers surprising facts about the inevitable life event. This thought provoking and interactive tool will alter your perceptions about death and prepare you for reincarnation. This book arose out of a series of lectures, which ...
Many Westerners view Karma as an inescapable punishment for wrong doing in this life; or worse, as payback from a past life not even remembered! The truth is that Karma is not a backlash from the Universe, and has nothing to do with penalty, judgement, or fate. Discover that Karma is really all about, and learn how to reprogram your soul for ultimate joy! Karma Manual brings the esoteric teachings of Karma to the western student. In a simple, down-to-earth style, ...
Achieve Cosmic Consciousness through EcstasyNow, you and your lover can engage in specific techniques and positions for ritual intercourse that will flood you with the overwhelming physical ecstasy which triggers expanded states of consciousness. Tantric yoga will teach you how to build sexual love and passion to an amazing peak and how to push your mind even higher to achieve transcendental bliss.
This book is a remarkable hand-book of psycho-physiological techniques, to overcome the social and psychological difficulties, inherent in us. It teaches yoga to gain better overall health and balance. It would also help you build a solid experience of inner relaxation that will lead towards good health, a long life and a greater control over your personal destiny. The book captures the best of East and West in a synthesis of efficient, concise and powerful ...