Showing all 2 books
When you applied for work in Saudi Arabia, didnt you think you would work for a few years, make a pile, marry off your daughter or sister, build a home, retire to the good life? When you paid the huge commission to the recruitment agent and a large fee for your visa, did anybody tell you the bad news? That your contract may be renegotiated once you land in Saudi Arabia. You may not be paid your salary for months. You may have to sleep in chains. You may be ...
The Mutawas, the dreaded religious police of Saudi Arabia, consider themselves the supreme guardians of public morality. They are keepers of their faith…the way they see it. They have the backing of the kingdom and they are watching you everywhere, all the time. And, they are ruthless with anybody who does not conform to their concept of what is right and wrong.They will come for you if you drink. If you grow your hair long. If you are seen with a female ...