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Buddhism had already spread far into other countries before it declined in India in the eleventh century A.D. Hinayana flourished in Ceylone, Burma, Siam, and Cambodia; Mystic Buddhism developed in Tibet; Mahayana grew in China. In Japan the whole of Buddhism became the living and active faith of the masses.
The present study relates to Japanese Buddhism, as in Japan alone the whole of Buddhism is preserved. The author presents Buddhist Philosophy in an ...
Buddhism had already spread far into other countries before it declined in India in the eleventh century A.D. Hinayana flourished in Ceylone, Burma, Siam and Cambodia; Mystic Buddhism developed in Tibet; Mahayana grew in China. In Japan and whole of Buddhism became the living and active faith of the masses.
The present study relates to Japanese Buddhism, as in Japan alone the whole of Buddhism is preserved. The author presents Buddhist ...