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“Education and Human Resource Development†reveal the concept of theoretical aspects of education and practices in the real world. It reflects that there are differences between theory and practice. In theory education is the key point of all economic ills. But in practice this important sector is neglected. The area, which neglected the importance of education, is called developing, backward and poor economy. The economics having low level of education will ...
The present study employs a gynocritical strategy to examine the six novels by contemporary Indian women novelists, namely, Shashi deshpande's the dark Holds No Terrors (1980). Shobha De's Socialite Evenings (1989), Githa hariharan's The Thousand Faces of Night (1992). Mrinal Pande's daughter's Daughter (1993), Manju kapur's Difficult Daughters (1998) and Arundhati Roy's Th God of Small Things (1997.) The aim is to focus on women's experiences as women in the ...