K.B.S Kumar
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"I am excited about what K B S Kumar has put together as Thought Leaders on Leadership. He has carefully described the thoughts on leadership of ten major thinkers on the subject. I have no doubt that leaders who are interested in improving their performance will benefit greatly by reading these ten essays. I would predict that they will develop new attitudes and behavior toward themselves and toward those they lead." (Philip Kotler) - "The ...
Talent management has always been a matter of concern to companies. The practices of recruitment and retention leave a lot to be desired across the world. Gone are the days when the employer could expect potential employees to line up at the door of the employer, on a job advertisement. With cutthroat competition and opportunities galore, employers need to be more conscious and sensitive in their approach to recruitment. Similar is the story of retention of ...
Due to globalization and liberalization, customers have become more and more demanding, while companies have become more competitive. They feel the need to tailor ways of delivering value to the organization in terms of training people. This stresses the importance of training, education and development in any organization to enhance the quality of work of employees at all levels.
Customer service is a crucial, distinguishing factor in the competitive, service-oriented marketplace. And when it comes to service industry like insurance, it is all the more different from that offered in other financial areas, in terms of the interaction between the customers and the organization. While the interaction is almost continuous in an insurance industry, it is often not so in others. Hence, the aspect of customer service becomes fundamental for an ...
Management is an all-pervasive domain. Management is everybody’s business. Drucker says that it is the ability to do the right things rather than doing things right that makes an executive, effective. Drucker opines that executives who do not manage themselves properly cannot be expected to properly manage others either. However, one needs to understand as to what is the span of this term called management. Management, as a word, may sound abstract unless it is ...
There are lakhs of articles, thousands of books, hundreds of speakers and institutions that advocate leadership exclusively. Yet, leadership remains as virgin a domain as it was during the greatman theory’s emergence. Warren Bennis, Jim Collins, Robert Greenleaf, Peter Drucker, Stephen Covey, John Kotter and the list goes on and on. The practising and the aspiring leaders owe a lot to those thought leaders on leadership who, upon carrying out extensive surveys ...
Global insurance platform has witnessed a phenomenal change in the past five years. The forces of globalization and liberalization have brought the insurance companies across the world closer to each other than ever before. The insurance landscape has changed significantly over the years due to many unforeseen incidents around the world like 9/11, SARS, derailment of corporate governance, natural disasters like Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina etc. Outsourcing is ...
Insurance awareness is increasing in India, but it is not enough compared to international standards. The country promises enormous growth. However, the growth depends on the efforts being made by the players, the common people and regulators. Indian insurance industry, to match the growing market, should look for expertise in its employees. Unless it realises its priorities, and players, regulators, government and other direct and indirect participants realize ...
The first article of the book is "Why do Employees Leave Companies? - An Evaluation" authored by K B S Kumar, which makes a light reading on an important concept of 'Employee Attrition'. The author obeserves that, While many organizations are oblivious of the reasons behind high employee turnover, there are a few companies which are considered lovable and ‘great places to work for’ by the employees. The article presents a hypothetical ...
Today's business environment has powerfully reinforced the importance of ethical behavior in business. Over the past several years, we have been bombarded with stories of corporate scandals from the accounting scandals at corporations such as Enron and WorldCom to the misleading analysis of powerfully conflicted stock analysts at firms such as Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs to the most recent charges of big-rigging by the United State's largest insurance ...
Peter Drucker, in one of his articles in Harvard Business Review, said, "Success in the knowledge economy comes to those who know themselves - their strengths, their values, and how they best perform." In this age of unprecedented opportunities where if you've got ambition and smarts, you can rise to the top of your chosen profession, regardless of where you started out. But, Drucker asserts that with opportunity comes responsibility. Companies, ...
For ages, societies have been divided into two extremes - "Haves" and "Have Nots". At the community level, the segregation is into Low-Middle-High classes; at the economic level, it is Rich-poor communities; at the country level, it is developed, developing and underdeveloped economies and the divide goes on. Technology has developed by leaps and bounds, business has expanded ignoring the geographic barriers, and the facilities have ...
Training no more remains an administrative formality. Training today is treated as a part of the strategic imperatives of an organization. The organizations treat training as a continual practice, unlike the earlier times, when training was synonymous with employee induction program. With the popularity of practices like continuous improvement, continuous learning, etc., and with increasing competition at the global level, training has assumed paramount ...