K Balachandran

Showing all 7 books
American Studies in India is a very humble venture to present Indian responses to American Studies. Scholars of American Studies will prefer this collection because this is a multidisciplinary attempt on American studies, human rights, international relations, economics, sociology, catering, tourism, immigration, education, poetry, fiction, prose, biography and drama.
The book begins with a general article on American Studies. Human rights, international ...
Critical Essays on Canadian Literature is humble attempt to present Indian critical responses to Canadian Poetry, Fiction, Short story and Drama. The Contributors are from various Universities. They have enriched this book with their research findings. Canadian Poets like Dorothy Livesay, A.J.M. Smith, Uma Parameswaran and Himani Bannerji have been taken for analysis by five Canadianists. Canadian Novelists like Margaret Atwood, Rohinton Mistry Michael ...
Critical Responses to Canadian Literature is a sincere attempt to present Indian responses to Canadian Poetry, Fiction, Autobiography and Drama. The 21 contributors are working in various Indian Universities and they have made this book valuable by they have made this book valuable by way of their fruitful research and findings. Canadian Poets like, A.M. Klein, Gwendolyn Mac Ewen, A.J.M. Smith, Irving Layton, (South Asian Parameswaran, Himani Bannerji, Laxmi ...
Critical Essays on American Literature (A Festschrift to Dr. L. Jeganatha Raja, Prof. of English, Annamalai University) covers all kinds of genre in American literature. The contributors are from various universities and colleges in India. Yet they have made this book valuable and interesting by their arduous research findings which are meant for the students, researchers and teachers of American literature. American poets like E.E. Cummings and C.K. Williams ...
Critical Responses to Indian Writing in English is very humble endeavour to present Indian critical responses to Indian poetry, prose fiction, drama and autobiography. The contributors are from various Indian Universities. They have enriched this book with their research findings. Indian poets like Kamala Das, Nissim Ezekiel, A.K. Ramanujan, Arun Kolatkar, A.C. Mukerji, Subramanya Bharathi have been taken for analysis by seven Indianists. Indian novelists like ...
Critical Essays on Commonwealth Literature (A festschrift to Shri C.V. Seshadri, Prof. Of English, Annamalai university) is a humble attempt to present Indian responses to Commonwealth Poetry, Fiction, Short Story, Drama and Autobiography. The 21 contributors (working in various universities in India), have made this book precious by way of their fruitful research and findings. Indian poets like Shiv K. Kumar, Nissim Ezekiel, Tamil Sangam Poets have been taken by ...