K D Kanodia

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Millions of pearls of wisdom are scattered in the ocean of knowledge imparted by the pioneers of Homeopathy. There is a requirement to assemble these pearls (read cured cases) at one place. Dr. K.D. Kanodia with his untiring efforts compiled these cases which have been cured by masters with a single and minimum dose at one place. This compilation will guide you as a light house to the right path. It also discusses how to apply various doctrines of science ...
Since the age of valuable provings by the pioneers of homoe¬opathy, the science has passed through several phases. Huge volumes have been compiled on symptoms collected and also the clinical experiences. During this long period, the physicians and the people having interest in this science have been experiencing a lot of difficulties in practice and results there from. The author has highlighted the causes and cures of such hazards in the way. The deep ...
The chapters in this book are all compiled with a specific purpose to enlighten the people with aspects of Homoeopathy not explored and highlighted in the modern context. The opinions and the aim of pioneers has always been kept in view so that the frame work and philosophy of Homoeopathy is not disturbed.
The miasms are causes of chronic diseases, and Psora itself is said to be responsible for seven eighth of diseases of mankind. So a deeper study of this giant miasm has been a need of the hour and this required a scientific analysis and a wider approach to view this factor. The author here, in his last chapter of the revised edition has given some winder approach after a deep study which may be appreciated by the enlightened homeopathic fraternity and people in ...
This book highlights the achievements of renowned physician of the world. It creates a feeling of confidence and surety of result in this system. It acquaints the people and profession about the orders of the remedies in potency. The book impresses on the mind that homoeopathy is the quickest and safest system of restoring health.