Showing all 3 books
Provides a fresh perspective to the ongoing debate on the core themes of development economics
This book is a detailed overview of the core themes in development theory and economic growth. Thematically structured, it covers three significant areas: innovation and economic development; technological progress and agricultural development; and technology transfer, national innovation systems and industrial development.
The volume addresses issues such as ...
From the time of independence, the Indian economy operated under conditions of central planning, state control and protectionism. These policies were radically altered in the early nineties with the ushering in of economic liberalization. However, the implications for industry of these developments are still not clear. Since the Indian electronics industry has operated under more liberalized conditions from the eighties, it is the ideal sector to study in order ...
In the past decade, emerging economies like China, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand have grown as important players in the international market for knowledge-intensive industries such as electronic hardware. India's export basket however, continues to be dominated by low-technology goods which are highly price sensitive, low value-adding, and slow moving. The challenge for India is to strengthen the international competitiveness of knowledge-based industries, to ...