K N Rao

Showing all 21 books
This is the most orginal, revolutionary and effective book ever written on Jaimini Astrology, because:
It shows how Jaimini’s Karakas-atma, Amatya, Bhratri, Matri, Putra, Gnati and Dara are to be used. In this book the author shows how all the seven (Not eight which is highly unscientific) Karakas are to be used for specific readings, with illustrations.
This book also shows the use of Jaimini’s chara Dasha for timing events which too is revolutionary ...
This is a very original book with the most original research ever written on educational choices for a student and will be most useful for guiding anxious parents in helping choose for their children right type of educaion.
It took me years of research to arrive at a dependable classification of subject according to planets and rashis. In the stream of humanities, it was easy to guide as I have been a student of humanities all through.
When it came to the choice ...
This book is a unique astrology study of Single Women of India which would be most useful in the fast changing society of India of twenty first century.
We are using the word “single” for unmarried women and drawing a distinction between unmarried women who are mothers and single woman who are not mothers.
The same four woman astrologers, Dr. (Mrs.)Shrirama Mishra. Dr. (Mrs.) Sarla Prasad, Mrs. Shalini Dhasmana and Mrs. Draupadi Rai who earlier ...
Sooner or later, as a married person with children doing well in life or suffering, rising to dizzy heights in these days of rat race or a chance fall into the quotidian--unredeemable ordinary life, all is the result of the karmas of past lives of both the parents and the children, is what you must realize.
The life we live leads us into salvation or damnation both, when we live and breathe and after we die when we, caught in the cycle of births and rebirths, are ...
"Unfortunately, there will always be a few twisted megalomaniacs who will misuse and pervert the Divine science which is ended benefit mankind. This book is the antidote. It gives descriptions on how to protect ourself and how to handle unscrupulous people who misuse the inner teachings."
Practical psychic Self Defence, by Master Choa kok Sui
Extend what kok Sui, the high priest of pranic healing has said to astrology and particularly to saadhe saati ...
This is a book about some of the hundreds of great Yogis of India the author has met during a period of over fifty-five years. Some of those Yogis are no more with us. Fortunately, some of these Yogis mentioned in the book are still there.Yogis can be saffron-clad. Yogis may be walking next to you on a street in India. Hundreds of them conceal their identity. They are not published or glamourised.
But the message of the book is that anyone can evolve into a Yogis ...
The Ashtakvarga system of Astrology is unique. It gives at a glance the complete picture of a person's health, wealth, finances, spiritual development, profession and the strength and weakness of the horoscope. No other system can predict as accurately the result of transit of planets as Ashtakvarga does. A mere look at the Ashtakvarga Table shows the height a person can rise to in his profession and gives an exact picture of the dasha scheme. Without Ashtakvarga ...
You cannot be an astrologer for modern India unless you learn many techniques of Hindu astrology. The old generation of astrologers gave to the society astrology openly by bringing it out of the houses of pandits. What we owe to that generation is the stage they created for the acceptance of astrology, not technical excellence and notable researches. Read in these research papers: How mighty men who claim and boast to shaping the destiny of a ...
The book "Predicting through Shasti Hayani Dasha" explains the method and application of this conditional dasha laid down by Maharishi Parashara. The book is illustrative with 110 practical examples and roves the predictive importance of this dasha. Use of a conditional dasha is essential to confirm the readings of any general dasha. It is like taking a specialist opinion of an expert to confirm or modify the opinion of a general ...
Astrology has reached a stage when the young generation should think of producing researches based on subtle points. For example, Moon-Rahu combinations can have many meanings other than neurosis. How is it that a guru is predestined to be famous? Guru Chandala yoga has variations. There existed in India a generation of astrologers who never produced any research & could not even distinguish between a research article & a hackneyed astrological article. ...
Shodashottary Dasha is a conditional Nakshatra Dasha given by Maharishi Parashara. This book "Predicting through Shodashottary Dasha" provides an insight to the method of application of this Dasha. This special dasha is applicable on fifty percent of the horoscopes and must be used by serious astrologers. Among the conditional Nakshatra dasha of Parashara, Shodashottary dasha has maximum applicability. This ranks next to ...
Vimshottari is the king of the nakshatra dashas of Parashara and the most commonly used one in the world of Hindu astrology. It is useful to do other specific and conditional nakshatra dashas and Jaimini dashas as corroborative and supplementary ones for double check of the promised results and even cross checking. A most neglected and useful tool for prediction is to make use of the Vimshottari dasha with divisional horoscopes without getting lost in needless ...
K.N. Rao's first book Predicting through Jaimini's Chara Dasha is the most notable landmark in the application of Jaimini astrology. There never existed an book to show how Jaimini astrology could be made use of for predictions. In Jaipur where the book was subjected to severe testing, they declared in September 1995 that the book represented the greatest advance in Jaimini astrology in the last two thousand years. Rao was given a gold medal for ...
The need to write this book on Astrology and Karma arose because in the lectures on general astrology to batches after batches of students in our astrology classes I have covered many areas of Astrology and Karma. Many of them were tape-recorded but I have none of them with me. To collect many of those thoughts in one place and put them in a systematic way became necessary because students want a book which they could follow.
Tricks, astrological tricks of predictions, is what you must try. Over a period of time evolve your own tricks as your astrological experience with different predictive techniques grows. Risks is what an astrologer must keen taking not to stagnate. A discovery is hazardous in the beginning and after its success looks like a great romance with ideas. E very successful astrologer takes risks in predicting because life is ever changing and ...
As was wished, this book represents the biggest landmark in the march of Jyotisha towards the desired goal of in-depth understanding of a horoscope through various ways. The earlier landmark was in 1991 when I produced Advanced Techniques of Astrological Predictions. This book shows how much greater progress in research is being made. The difference that while Advanced Techniques of Astrological Predictions had to be produced single handedly by ...