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India is endowed with large resources of various metallic and non-metallic minerals. The mining sector is an important segment of India's economy and, since independence in 1947, there has been a pronounced growth in mineral production, both in terms of quantity and value. Steps have been taken to attract private investment for the exploration of mineral deposits and the operation of mines. However, actual investment in this area has been quite meager because ...
The resource base of a country consists of (a) human resources, (b) non-renewable resources which are an endowment of nature and whose total size gets depleted with time and (c) renewable resources which can be continuously created and whose base can be expanded through human efforts.The Planning Commission-set up in March 1950 by a resolution of the Government of India – makes an assessment of the material, capital and human resources of the country, ...
After 60 years of development efforts, India is presently one of world's fastest growing economics. In the last years, it has emerged as a global economic power, the leading outsourcing destination and a favourite of international investors. In India, the tilt towards economic liberalization started in 1985. When Government announced a series of measures aimed at deregulation and liberalization of industry. These measures, described as New Economic Policy, ...
Business environment has become highly competitive in the wake of liberalization and privatization wave sweeping across the world. After the establishment of WTO and enforcement of its regulations, the world has moved fast towards free trade. Business firms are gearing up to face intense competition in the 21st century. It is going to be the survival of the fittest. The new scenario offers both opportunities and challenges for present and prospective ...
During the pre-Independence period, industrial relations policy of the British Government was one of laissez faire and also of selective intervention. There were hardly any labour welfare schemes. After independence, labour legislations have formed the basis for industrial relations and social security. These legislations have also provided machinery for bipartite and tripartite consultations for settlement of a disputes. Soon after Independence, the Government ...