K P Biswas

Showing all 15 books
The book, “Practical Manual of Fisheries” is contemplated to fulfil the long standing needs to guide the fisheries work in field studies. The book starts with the standard statistical methods required to conduct fish culture experiments for testing a hypothesis and for presentation and interpretation of data. As a pre-requisite, evaluation and assessment of aquatic communities in a body of water, whether for experiment or for commercial fish culture ...
In the book, “Harvesting Aquatic Resources”, the harvesting of living aquatic resources, directly or indirectly useful to man has been dealt, with special reference to fish, crustaceans and sea weeds, consumed directly by the mankind. Besides, describing the ancient methods of capture of these aquatic animals and the gradual evolution of fishing methods and gears the biotic communities with respect to their habitat, mode of life and migration pattern, ...
No one can ignore the role of economics in any commercial activities. Commercial fisheries is no exception to this. Unlike other commercial activities the major architect of the fisheries activities, about twelve is to one, are poor socially backward fishermen forces to take up this profession as they have to survive. The study has revealed that the productivity, profitability and objective contribution to the national economy by fishery units of artisanal types, ...
This book embraces nineteen chapters, beginning with Reproduction and Mechanism of Multiplication, Natural Breeding of Fin Fishes, Manipulated Breeding of Fin Fishes, Breeding of Grass Carp and Silver Carp, Breeding of Sea Bass, Breeding in Fish Culture, Genetics in Reproductive Biology, Hybridization, Hybridization in Fish Culture, Hybridization of Fish in India–Asia, Fish Hybridization in North America, Commercial Hybridization and its Practical ...
The net, among the fishing gear occupies the prime position in catching fish commercially for mass production. Among the net, trawl net chase the fish to be caught, as such, has established itself as the most important gear throughout the world oceans. With these objectives, the book in its nineteen chapters, not only, outlined the features of the trawl net, but described the operational characteristics of the net in different operating conditions.. Starting with ...
The book, Electrophysiology and Fish Behavior embraces 19 chapters having two main parts, namely, electrophysiology and fish behavior. In the first part, the history and behavior of electric fishes were traced out together with the application of electricity for catching fishes. The response of fishes in an electric field and the physiological mechanisms and electrical principles involved in it were correlated thereafter. The empirical studies on the reactions of ...
The fish, highly nutritious, as first class animal protein and balanced food with essential amino acids in correct proportions for human and animal lives, deteriorates very fast after its death being cold-blooded animal. Their availability is not the same always, showing abundance in some seasons, and shortage in other times. They therefore, need to be preserved, when available in plenty for the use in scarce season in a good condition. The fish being the most ...
The first edition of A Text Book of Fish Fisheries and technology covering the basic ideas and initial progress made in freshwater brackish water and marine fisheries together with the pre and post harvesting technologies was published in 1990. The updated second edition of the book was subsequently published in 1996. In the mean time in last 14 years, lots of advancement such as diversification of aquaculture both for higher unit yield in mono sex farming ...
Marine prawns, tastier and costlier than their freshwater counter parts, have become an avenue to earn foreign exchange by the developing countries of South East Asia including India. The share of prawn in marine products exports from India is approximately 60 percent in quantity and around 80 per cent in terms of value. Sea food export industry of the country with a humble beginning of rupees 50 lakhs has grown to an organized industry, earning valuable foreign ...
Indian ocean harbour about 4000 fish species. Except identifying characters and taxonomic status of the species, it is practically impossible to describe the bionomics of each of the four thousand species, since studies have not been made for all and reliable informations are not available in respect of many uneconomical species.Thus in a dynamic ocean, with so many regional micro-climatic and hydrological changes, many of the commercially important fish species ...
Chilka, the largest lagoon of Bay of Bengal on the east coast of India, Orissa state, has been identified as a wetland of international importance at the Ramsar convention. Noticeable changes have taken place in physical features of the lagoon comprising bathymetry, salinity, siltation and rapid weed infestation in recent decades. Present book has been made to review and analyse the recent changes of physical features of the lagoon together with ecological ...
Besides giving an outline of the beginning of fisheries industrialization, technological innovations responsible for it; setting up of modern fishing industry to put the world fisheries on commercial ventures with resulting oceans leading to collapse of fisheries and the shift from capture to culture fisheries and aquaculture development have been dealt in this book. The impetus for growing aquaculture, particularly, in developing countries, such as recent ...
During the Author's tenure as Director of Fisheries of Andaman and Nicobar Islands between 1981-84, he was fascinated by the graceful and soft colour of the submarine garden along the coastal waters of south Andaman, full of live corals of red , orange, purple colouration at Eandoor and Chiriatapu. As a head of the Department of Fisheries, he had a duty to check illegal querrying and smuggling of the coral fauna from Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Smuggled dead ...