This sight of triangular fins slicing through the water usually elicits immediate fear, distress or panic in people. Response to such sightings is normally to say that a shark or a school of sharks is nearby, preparing to attack. Sharks-the shadows in the sea have long been depicted as evil, sinister culprits inhabiting our ocean and estuaries (Schwartz, 1984). From time immemorial sharks have been the objects of amusement for the sea-faring men and anglers and ...
Coral reefs are one of the important ecosystems to people of our country as a source of protein, medicinal and cultural products. They also protect the shorelines from erosion and damage due to cyclone. The sand beaches around these coral reefs are also used as tourist spots, which is turn help to earn foreign exchange. These coral reefs are also called as hotspots of marine biodiversity, supporting many species of corals, fishes, crustaceans and many thousands ...