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When Tulsi first meets Madhav, she is irrevocably drawn to his chiseled good looks and charm. Although wary of his many dalliances and the string of broken hearts left in his wake, she is surprised by the intense desire that Madhav arouses in her. And before long, she forsakes her family, her prospective career, her fiancé-all for the love of this inscrutable man. But love can be like poison. And nothing can prepare Tulsi for the heartache and betrayal ...
The Gospel of Yudas is revolutionary literature . . . A story of suffering redeemed by love'--India Today Young and impressionable, Prema is deeply infatuated with Yudas, the enigmatic man who dredges corpses from the bottom of the nearby lake. Longing to be rescued from the tyranny of her father, a former policeman who zealously tortured Naxalite rebels during the Emergency, Prema dreams of escape and finds herself drawn to the Naxal political ideology. ...
The Grddha Mullick family takes pride in the ancient lineage they trace from four hundred years before Christ. They burst with marvelous tales of hangmen and hangings in which the Grddha Mullicks figure as eyewitnesses to the momentous events that have shaped the history of the subcontinent.
In the present day, the youngest member of the family, twenty-two-year-old Chetna, is appointed the first woman executioner in India, assistant and successor to her father ...
The stories in Yellow Is the Colour of Longing are unabashedly critical of the status quo. They pull the lid off normal, everyday life in families and the workplace, sometimes cheekily, sometimes with astoundingly bitter sadness. While ‘What the Souls Do at Midnight’ and ‘A Cat, Utterly Personal’ acerbically trace the subtle forms of control exercised on women, the title story explores the absurdity of desire, and ‘The Saga of ...