Showing all 2 books
All nations and societies have considered it crucial to evaluate the role and relevance of tradition for their own generation and beyond. This discourse has a fundamentally different content and quality in non-Western societies as against the shape it takes in the West. Indeed, because of the differing trajectories of historical evolution in the Western and non-Western world, the “Relevance” question itself applies essentially to the latter.
The ...
The Iksvakus succeeded the Satavahanas as rulers in Andhra Desh. I had an opportunity to visit Nagarjunakonds and study the inscriptions. I was also fascinated to study the Iksvakus, perhaps by my repeated visits to Nagarjunakonda. Theirs was a short period of rule lastly no more than 100 years, and the rulers were only four in number, but the contribution of the period to the religious and cultural history of Andhra was enormous. The city of Vijayapuri to bost ...