Showing all 7 books
Intensive cultivation of agricultural and horticultural crops to cope with the demand of increasing population has led to occurrence of micronutrient deficiencies. The book elucidates the classification and function of plant nutrients, diagnosis of plant nutrient deficiencies, physiological disorders, remedial measures and foliar nutrition for appreciation and practice in farming system. Taking into account the fertilizer responsiveness of high yielding varieties ...
Seed Technology is a practicing science that involves the role of scientists, producers and the certification agency. Since, the dawn of high yielding variety programme, the role of seeds has increased tremendously in providing succor to our farmer brethren. Today, we are literally harvesting the fruits of HYP. All this could be possible only with the systematic procedures laid down by the Central Seed Committee. The book envisages to bring together such ...
The book entitled “Weed Management†is an attempt of its first kind to highlight the importance of biology, ecology and control of prevalent weed flora in temperate, tropical and sub-tropical situations in India. Herbicides were developed and availability of selective herbicides brought revolution for timely, effective and economic control of weeds in crop fields. This book assesses the earlier attempts made in the country and else where. There are chapters ...
Seed production and distribution involves judicious effort of the producer and enforce4ment agency. With 6000 million people dependent on agriculture and related activities, the Job of the seed producer becomes evermore important for he is the vital link between the job and the land. Since, most of the farming community is illiterate or semi literate, it the job of the government to frame rules that govern the production and distribution of quality seeds. Though ...
Experiments and surveys are conducted by scientists in agriculture and food science as a part of their career. They require appropriate statistical treatment to validate data and draw meaningful conclusions. Statistical courses are formulated in post graduate study programme to make them adept in 'Statistical Methods'. The present work is outcome of several years of teaching and close collaboration with students and research scientists in different colleges and ...
The basic required to analyze research data of agricultural field experiments and sample surveys are covered. Each definition is given after a relevant discussion. Any one who has completed school finals can easily follow the topics. Examples and illustrations are furnished at appropriate places for easy understanding. At the end of each chapter exercises and application of computer software are also added.