Showing all 3 books
This book entitled Plant Resources of Tiruvannamalai District, Tamil Nadu, India is a result of extensive and intensive field research in the Javvadhu hills of eastern ghats and its adjoinings within Tiruvannamalai district. The district not only harbours a diversified vegetation but also known for its medicinal plants wealth.
This book deals with a total of 1365 taxa of angiosperms collected from the district including 1278 species, 18 subspecies and 69 ...
Seagrasses are marine plants belonging to two monocotyledonous families, Hydrocharitaceae and Potamogetonaceae. Being the only submerged marine angiosperms to have very successfully adapted to survive in the saline environment, these form a very fascinating group of plants. They are distinct from the members of the grass family Poaceae and should not be confused with them. Of the 52 species of seagrasses available in both tropical and temperate waters around the ...