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The worth of a civilization can be judged by the place given to women in the society. In India, they occupied a high place in the social life of the early Aryans. The milder and more beneficent forces of nature were addressed as female deities and invoked with prayers. In medieval and modern India women have distinguished themselves, no less than men, in various spheres of life as rulers, leaders, fighters, saints, scholars, writers, social workers, artistes, ...
Laughter is the best medicine. It is a strong tonic. A good hearty laugh can help reduce stress, lower blood pressure, elevate mood, boost immune system, improve brain functioning, protect the heart, connect you to others, foster instant relaxation, and make you feel good. Laughter is life. It is the spice of life. No wonder thousands of laughing clubs worldwide are springing up and inviting people to laugh out loudly and in chorus and are thus helping them break ...
Laughter is the best medicine. It is a strong tonic. A good hearty laugh can help reduce stress, lower blood pressure, elevate mood, boost immune system, improve brain functioning, protect the heart, connect you to others, foster instant relaxation, and make you feel good. Laughter is life. It is the spice of life. No wonder thousands of laughing clubs worldwide are springing up and inviting people to laugh out loudly and in chorus and are thus helping them break ...