K.S. Duggal

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Founded some 500 years ago by the venerable Guru Nanak, Sikhism is the youngest of the great religions of the world. The scriptures of this religion possess certain unique characteristics, i.e., they have not only been written in verse but have also been set to music (Hindustani, both classical and folk). The holy book of the Sikhs, the Guru Granth Sahib (a 1430-page compilation) has a universal appeal in that it has not been confined to the Sikh Gurus alone; it ...
Being published on the auspicious occasion of the birth of the Khalsa, the final in the four-volume series entitled Select Sikh Scriptures is exclusively devoted to Sri. Guru Gobind Singh, the creator of the Khalsa who moulded the followers of Guru Nanak into a people fired with the spirit of righteousness and imbued to resist evil, if necessary, by sword. The selection is based upon Dasam Granth, the compilation said to have been undertaken by Bhai Mani Singh at ...
The second in the series of Select Sikh Scriptures, this volume is devoted to Guru Arjan Dev, the fifth Guru. A highly evolved soul, he was both a sensitive poet and an accomplished musician who has the largest number of hymns (2218) in the Holy Granth, set to music in 29 ragas. The founder of the Harimandir, presently known as the Golden Temple, Guru Arjan Dev had a catholicity of outlook; he invited Mian Mir, a Muslim divine from Lahore, to lay the foundation ...
Early morning, called the ambrosial hour, when the day is yet to dawn, the countryside as much as the towns in the Punjab reverberate with a soulful melody wafting from the Gurudwaras, the Sikh temples, which brings the soothing message of peace to every hut and home. It is the recitation of the Sukhmani, a composition of Guru Arjan Dev, the fifth Sikh Guru. It is believed that listening to or recitation of this composition works miracles. It relieves sorrow and ...
The essence of the Sikh tradition-an emphasis on love, service to humanity, and devotion-is beautifully conveyed in this description of the Sikh philosophy and way of life. The Sikh tradition embodies the ideal of a spiritual life lived in the world, yet above the world-dealing successfully with the events of daily life, white maintaining the awareness of that one, underlying Reality that is the source of all love.
K S Duggal's short stories form a collage of human emotions abounding in, joys and sorrows, agony and ecstasy. His pen delves deep into the bottom of human heart and brings out 'it's every nuance, wonderfully woven in the fabric of imagery. Always a poet at heart, Duggal Blends exquisite lyricism with emotions of high idealism, moral self-examination and a subtle awareness of beauty. This explains the external values of truth and beauty that ...
This work in English translation is based on Gurmukhi script prevalent in India while the text in Persian script is that available in Pakistan. The most significant contribution the Sufi poets of the Punjab is their rising above the narrow and parochial concepts of religion and laying emphasis on the love of God alone. They believe that the love of God can be attained through the love of man. Sain Bulleh Shah is the most important voice among them. The rational ...
Nominated as a Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) in 1997 and earlier honored with the Padma Bhushan by the President of India, and recipient of several literary awards over the years, including felicitation by the World Punjabi Conference 2000 A.D., as Punjabi Writer of the Millennium with ‘Purse’, Kartar Singh Duggal has made an immense contribution to Indian literature. His checkered career in the broadcasting field and as an upcoming litterateur makes an ...
By sheer force of his personality, Maharaja Ranjit Singh became the unquestioned ruler of the Punjab from 1799 to 1839, his kingdom being the last bastion to hold out against the British - a symbol of their incomplete conquest of India. This book covers his life and times.
Birth of a Song is a collection of 50 short stories by K S Duggal, one of the leading fiction writers in India today.This is the author's third collection of short fiction in English. His earlier works were: Come Back My Master (Vikas), and Death of a Song (Arnold Heinemann). K S Duggal's short story entitled Come Back My Master figures in the World's Greatest Short Stories.These stories written originally in Punjabi, the author's mother-tongue, have mostly been ...
These are not mere stories. They are echoes and re-echoes smeared with human blood…still left smouldering in K.S. Duggal's haunting memories of the Partition. It was not just a political or geographical partition, it divided siblings from siblings, tore off children from parents, separated friends from friends-it was forced partition of human hearts. This collection of stories, wrapped in poignant veil of agony is sure to wrench hearts, ...