K S Mathew

Showing all 12 books
Scholars from the Western countries and India here present researches on maritime trade in the Indian Ocean Region in the early historic period focusing on commercial activities of imperial Rome and Muziris—on the south-western coast of India, perhaps in modern Kerala. The articles referring to Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, the Red Sea and Mediterranean regions as well as South Asia trace networks of trade and exchange, place of Roman ports in ancient trade and ...
This book is a collection of 28 articles from eminent scholars spread in various parts of the world who have done some serious work on the history of the Deccan during the medieval and modern periods. Professor A.R. Kulkarni to whom this work is dedicated as a felicitation volume has done commendable service to the world of scholars interested in the study of medieval and modern Deccan. Various aspects of the history of the Deccan such as society, polity, ...
Several historians have started turning their attention on the various aspects of maritime history such as maritime trade, coastal society, tensions on board, naval design and architecture, naval hygiene and so on. Similarly, those interested in the history of science and technology too have begun working on the technology of ship-building and navigation. Against this backdrop, the present work, comprising a number of studies conducted by a batch of active ...
Several European powers played an important role in the "amazing" transformation of India from the status of the coveted country to the category of the so-called "third world" or developing country. This was effected through the process of colonial or imperial interactions lasting for a couple of centuries. Countless adventurers, fortune-seekers and men of arms lost their life in their astute attempts to obtain a share of the golden goose of ...
The first three studies in this work, on Malik Gopi, Malik ayaz and Khwaja Safar throw light on the nobility of the Sultanate of Gujarat and the different reactions they had to the monopoly trade of the Portuguese in the early part of the sixteenth century. The author tries to highlight and generalize the composition of the nobility, the constant friction among them as well as the economic motives that guided the course of their activities. The fourth article on ...
Migration in the history of mankind is a phenomenon of great interest to sociologists, anthropologists, economists and historians. This book deals with various forms of migration in South India with focus on rural to rural migration. Peasant migration from Travancore to the British Malabar started in the 1920s is a typical case of migration to rural areas in search of cultivable lands. Despite the differences in the nature of migration, the volume explicates that ...
Canada and Canadians are currently at crossroads. Their hard-earned self-identity as constituting a distinct people, a nation-state in the political sense of the term, is now facing serious competition from other, often more basic, senses of individuals and collective identity based on language, culture, territory, religion, gender, ethnicity, social class, and religion. Whether or not Canada survives and thrives as a nation-state into the twenty-first century ...
The collection of articles contained in this book shed light on various aspects of European contacts with Maritime Malabar which was in fact the entry point of almost all the Europeans to the subcontinent of India since the opening of the direct sea route connecting Indian Ocean region with the Atlantic. The techniques of navigation in vogue on the Malabar coast and the heights reached by Indian scientists with emphasis on the Malabar coast are discussed in this ...