K.S. Ramachandran

Showing all 24 books
Managing the reform effort is much more challenging than making the effort itself. Indeed, it is on the quality of reform management that the fulfilment of the various goals set by policymakers depends. The book has been split into three parts: corporate planning, management of intellectual property rights, and the macro and micro issues of liberalisation. On the face of it, these are unrelated, but if we look at these closely we would find a strong link ...
In agriculture, the dictates of vote bank policies have reduced to a mockery the whole lot of catalysts. In the farm economy, the various agencies entrusted with the role of catalysts were also required to regulate, police and carry out corrections. Those who provided credit, for instance, necessarily had to check whether the money lent was productively utilized and also see to it that credit was so deployed as to facilitate easy recovery. The quality of rural ...
Various programmes of rural uplift launched by the Government do not operate on the basis of commercial return, a basis that no private entrepreneur will ever ignore. The elementary market place economics does not operate in whatever the Government does. The only exception has been the development of national roadways under the quadrilateral scheme on the strength of tolls paid by the users to a limited extent though, with the tabs being picked by vehicle users ...
Taking off from a study of three major explicit subsidies – Food, Fertilzer and Petroleum, prepared at the Behest of the Twelfth Finance Commission, this book seeks subsidies – those that are budgeted for and those that are outside the budgeted for and Centre and States. It underlines the damage done to efficiency through subsidies, which once given are rarely removed. The book warns against perpetually identifying subsidies with efforts towards poverty ...
As of now, India incorporated is characterised by a Missing Link, an euphemism for a want of urgency among forces, precisely those that should spearhead the drive to give the Indian economy the spirit of a true corporate. There are no doubt titans in politics, administration, industry and business. But, there are pygmies galore everywhere. Some major policy decisions have been taken but these are swept aside by measures of populism driven by the political urge to ...
The antiquity of writing in India can be traced back to the still undeciphered ideo-or pictograms on the seals and sealings of the Indus Civilization . Between this and the prolific rock and pillar engravings of Asoka in the Brahmi script there is a gaping hiatus of a millennium and more in the history of writing in India. What is the origin of this Brahmi script which Asoka utilized at its maximum for the propagation of the Dhamma? What are its antecedents, ...
Archaeological research in India after independence has been steadily increasing, thanks to the universities introducing archaeology as a subject at Master’s Degree level. Tamil Nadu is no exception to this Several ancient sites viz. Kanchipuram, Arikamedu, Uraiyur, Kaveripattinam, etc., have been excavated, bringing to light exhilarating vestiges and evidences glorifying the culture of the Tamils. This book presents a rapid survey of the results of the ...
Initially, we had thought of independent studies on audit and ICOR, but intellectual ventures often rework themselves, and this has happened to the present endeavor as well. A three part book has emerged, and without our having to establish linkages that would satisfy the discerning reader. Knowing that matters of efficiency of capital often get short shrift as much in operation as in the appraisal of performance by the management and auditor alike, the thrust on ...