Showing all 3 books
The unusual approach of this text delivers for B.Sc. and M.Sc. students a clear and development approach into one of the harder areas of Physical Chemistry, i.e., chemical Kinetics, which is central to all chemistry. This text clarifies complex aspects of the more theoretical areas of Chemical Kinetics and the significance of the complex equations which so often baffle students. This text is scholarly, lucid and well written, with a combination of depth of ...
Biophysics is essentially an interdisciplinary topic. This text book has been compiled and edited to address the needs of biologists. Biochemists and medical biophysicists. This text book covers a wide range of topics from quantum mechanics to pre-biotic evaluation. Wherever necessary, compiled mathematical approach has been avoided so that students coming from biological background understand them readily. This text book includes various physico-chemical ...
This text has been compiled and edited to emphasize fundamentally important topics in quantum mechanics. This text covers the theory part alone exhaustively to obviate the need for either leading in between the lines or making further library reference. Another distinctive features of this text is hat mathematical details are given in complete detail thus ruling out any additional deskwork. The inclusion of relevant digressions and the completeness of the ...