Showing all 6 books
Panditji Jawaharlal Nehru was noted to quote “Everything else can wait but not agriculture” which shows the deep knowledge he possessed regarding agriculture. It is estimated that there are 30,000 farmers engaged in organic agriculture in India. With second largest arable land next only to USA, a hoary agricultural tradition, India sustains the second largest population in the world. The ancient land has been tilled since time immemorial and has seen ...
Recalcitrant (non-orthodox, homeohydrous) seeds are phenomenon into themselves. Several of the species from mesic forest and few from temperate highlands and wetlands show recalcitrant behaviour. It is a fact, that several of the horticultural fruits of economic importance are recalcitrant as well as a few oil bearing trees. Though orthodox behaviour promoted agrarian settlements, recalcitrant seeds were also used for their pulp bearing fruits, hence domesticated ...
Seed Technology is a practicing science that involves the role of scientists, producers and the certification agency. Since, the dawn of high yielding variety programme, the role of seeds has increased tremendously in providing succor to our farmer brethren. Today, we are literally harvesting the fruits of HYP. All this could be possible only with the systematic procedures laid down by the Central Seed Committee. The book envisages to bring together such ...
Seed production and distribution involves judicious effort of the producer and enforce4ment agency. With 6000 million people dependent on agriculture and related activities, the Job of the seed producer becomes evermore important for he is the vital link between the job and the land. Since, most of the farming community is illiterate or semi literate, it the job of the government to frame rules that govern the production and distribution of quality seeds. Though ...