Showing all 2 books
Eastern Ghats, hill ranges of South East India are located between 11 30 and 22 north latitudes and 76 50 and 86 30 east longitudes. They cover an area of about 75,000 sq. km. The vegetation ranges from moist deciduous forests to scrub jungle and grass lands. In the present volume a total of 330 species belonging to 74 genera of family Leguminosae have been enumerated. The genera under each subfamily and species under each genus are arranged alphabetically. The ...
The Eastern Ghats, one of the nine floristic zones in India, are located between 11o30' and 22o N latitude and 76o 50' and 86o 30’E longitude in a North-East to South-West strike. The Eastern Ghats are spread over three states of India, namely Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. It covers an area of about 75,000 sq. km with an average width of 200 km in the North and 100 km in the South. They extend over a length of 1750 km between ...