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This comprehensive text book on Forestry titled "Forestry: A Subjective Guide for IFS Aspirants" is written primarily to cater the needs of aspirants preparing for the Indian Forest Service and other state forest service examinations. The book deals with a wide range of forestry topics which includes basic concepts like Forests and forestry, Silviculture, forest management, Forest Policy etc. besides technologies, applications including the latest ...
The book on “Forestry Technologies-A complete Value Chain Approach” has been designed to cater to the needs of the stakeholders by judiciously incorporating the recent technologies and research outputs available in various sectors of institutions. The book has four major themes viz., basic and strategic technology, production technology, processing and value addition technology and consumption technology. The basic and strategic technology ...
The Forests are playing a significant role in the economic prosperity and ecological stability of the country. The Indian Forests faces severe biotic and abiotic pressure leads to shrinking of its geographical distribution and the forest based industries are at the cross roads. The rate of deforestation at an alarming rate of 1.5 million ha year-1 and has fortunately come down rapidly with the enactment of the Forest Conservation Act, 1980. Currently, the forest ...
Tree improvement is achieved by clonal selection due to improvements in vegetable propagation techniques. The clonal propagation offers higher genetic gain than that is possible with seed propagation. The clonal technology facilititates rapid selection of outstanding genotypes from the clonal stocks of candidate trees for the exploitation of heterosis. The literature available on vegetative propagation is very extensive and not easily accessible. Hence this book ...
Plantation forestry has been emerging as a strong attraction to the traditional forestry practice due to its acceptability and productivity improvement. After enunciation of national forest policy, 1988, plantation forestry has been encouraged to generate raw materials for domestic as well as industrial needs. This has accelerated the promotion of social, farm and agroforestry programmes in the wastelands and other marginal farmlands of the country. All these ...