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"The book seeks to unravel the forces which have acted as an immense source of exploitation of women labour in India, particularly, in agricultural sector. The book based on an empirical study, relates to multifacet exploitation of women agricultural labourers. It is a comprehensive work on women workers and the problems of discrimination against them. India lives in villages and can be understood much better in its rural background. Hence the rural scenario ...
Violence against women is a global phenomenon. In Indian Society the problem of violence against women is not new. The ever present fact of violence, both overt and covert physical and non-physical has an alarming influence on the status of women. In a society where women are marginalized and subjudicated for whatever reason women have become the victims of humiliation, torture and exploitation from time immemorial. Whenever and wherever women kept out of the ...
In Indian society, the status of women has changed from time to time depicting the position of women in society as an index to the standard of social organization. The status of any given sections of population in society is intimately connected with its economic position which depends on rights, roles and opportunities for participation in economic activities. The economic status of women is now accepted as an indicator of society’s stage of development. ...
The articles contributed by authors to this issue provide a panoramic view of the various provisions in national legislations as well as of the Multilateral Conventions and Treaties, tracing them from their evolutionary stage. The articles also highlight the limitations and atrocities caused to economic, social and cultural rights of tribal people, including tribal children, of India. The stark and gross violation of not only human rights but also their rights to ...