Showing all 7 books
This book is a collection of research papers on Diaspora literature. The articles in this book could be invaluable resource materials for researches focusing on diaspora. The critical articles are mostly on women diaspora writers of both India and abroad. Majority of the papers are on Asian women and hence it is useful handy material for Women’s Studies. The various chapters in the book are intended to help the readers to look at the issues in various ...
Multiculturalism is the word of the day, be it in literature or in any other field. When at a time the concept of ‘melting pot’ was at its pinnacle, now the trend has taken a turn where minorities assimilate themselves with the main stream society and thus there is a plethora of writings and literature. All aspects related to social integration, racial segregation, cultural assimilation, issues related to the indigenous and the minority, race and ...
This critical work is a rare collection of 24 well-crafted critical articles by eminent poets and critics from India and abroad on the poetry of T.V. Reddy, a luminous star shining in Indian English poetry. His poetry is a pleasant blend of the traditional and the modern, the realistic and the romantic, the symbolic and the imagist, the urban and the rural, social, satirical and spiritual streams of poetry. T.V. Reddy emerged as a potential signature with his ...
Dr. Stephen Gill, the bard of world peace and anti-terrorism is an Indian English poet, a Canadian poet and a world poet at the same time. Born in Pakistan and brought up in India, Stephen Gill is now settled in Canada from where he travels widely to the East and Europe disseminating the gospel of peace. As the Dove in his poems, he is flying to the turbulent areas where the ‘maniac messiahs’ dance in ecstasy over the corpses of innocent masses. Rays ...
K.V. Dominic's monograph on the short stories of Rabindranath Tagore throws new light on various characters--men, women and children--with reference to Tagore's psychological realism, which is well-brought out through the mode of pathos. The book is noteworthy for its lucid exposition of the nuances of creative expression unique to Tagore. It is a welcome addition to the rich storehouse of criticism on Tagore.