K V Singh

26 books
Why is the tulsi considered sacred? What is the significance of namaste? Why do Hindus light a lamp before performing a ritual? Why is it forbidden to sleep facing the south? Why do Hindus chant 'shanti' three times after performing a rite? Millions of Hindus the world over grow up observing rites, rituals and religious practices that lie at the heart of Hinduism, but which they don't know the significance of. Often the age-old customs, whose relevance is lost to ...
An informative book which talks about the history of coins, how they evolved with changing times, their importance and relevances, etc. The narration is in a story-like format which is quite impressive.
Some of you may marvel to know that flags have a colorful world of their own. You only need to explore it. Flags have a long history. They even have a language through which they transmit information, convey messages and communicate meanings. This book tells you all about flags. Flags have different types and shapes. There is a well-defined code for flags which has to be followed for their display. Some flags fly high over government buildings, business houses, ...
This anthology of socio-religious and economic is indented to broaden the vision of various developmental agencies, including government, by exposing them to a vast canvas of knowledge, which has remained untapped for the last nearly six decades. The book has collection of very informative essays on different subjects and issue of development in India. The information contained in this anthology will be of immense value for those engaged in ...
This book is all about India, but with a big difference. What makes it different What makes it different from hundred of titles presently flooding book shops is that it focuses on information which is eighter lesser known or unknown. How many of us shall know- why is India called ‘India’ or by what other names was she known in ancient days? Will it not surprise you, if told that Mumtaz Mahal, the soul of the Taj’, died while delivering her 14th child and ...
The Present volume gives an elaborate account of the life of those who caused the revival of Hinduism and reformed the society when it was in a state of utter decadence. The advent of the British in India in the seventeenth century gradually but definitely eroded the economic, educational, social and cultural clay of India. The manes of Swami Vivekanand, Swami Dayanand and Swami Ram tirth are foremost who revived Hinduism and stalled the expansion of Christianity ...
In this book, the life and teachings of three great Saints of modern India, with different social backgrounds are retold for the benefit of readers. Since his childhood Swami Paramhansa Yogananda showed evidence of his sharp intellect and future sainthood. Selected chapters from his ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ are included in the book. The life story of Swami Ramakrishna has been taken from the booklets published on the life of the saint by the Advaita Ashram, ...
This book is about a king, who was very keen to ascend a divine throne without possessing the requisite qualities, qualifications, mental strength, moral courage and a benevolent heart. Through the medium of talking puppets, the author has interestingly highlighted human weaknesses particularly of a king, who is suppose to be fatherly towards his subjects, while being just in his administration and valorous in his deeds. Besides, highlighting human weaknesses, ...
The book is about the inward odyssey of man. The obstacles that lie in his way to the ultimate destination, have been explained in details together with the means to overcome them. Essays, lectures, talks writings of great and celebrated saints and revered souls have been compiled to represent this volume. The information material that is contained in the book is the first-hand knowledge and experiences of enlightened peers. The ultimate mission of one’s life, ...
This book is a commendable endeavour to present the essence of all the major religions of the world under one cover in a simple and lucid form. An ideal work for a general reader who wants to have first hand knowledge about global religions. “An Insight into World Religions†delves chronologically into a particular faith and represents historical facts together with social conditions that lead to the growth and development of the religion. The men of letters, ...
This book is based on a report, about the customs, ceremonies, rites and rituals prevalent in 1883 in the region of undivided Punjab and around, that was prepared by late Sir Denzil Ibbatson. The report was later presented by H.A. Rose, a member of the erstwhile Indian Civil Service (ICS), in the form of a volume, adding to it his own observances based upon his first hand knowledge of Indian Social customs then invogue amongst Hindus and Muslims of undivided ...
The one national-mascot that stands for and represents a country in the world arena is its National-flag. The Indian Tricolour pays homage to our National-flag, the symbol that gives India its unique identity. This book offers the readers a brief history of flags, their evolution and significance. It traces how our National-flag, Tiranga, came into being, took its present form, and how a young man fought for the right to fly his National-flag every day of the ...
In this book the life-journey, success and struggle story of India’s great political leaders are retold in simple and lucid manner. The book chronologically unfolds their achievements in life, the honours they received and the distinctions they achieved. It also tells about their work and mission in life together with the role they played in liberating India from the British yoke of slavery as also the part they took in building modern India. The amount of ...
‘Health and Family Welfare in India’ is all about national health programmes, plans and policy. The book deals in details about medical education, promotion of medical training and research activities in India. The role of various International Organizations, the united nations Agencies, and many health and family Welfare programmes in the country have been covered in depth in the present volume. The initiative taken and contribution made by the Department of ...
This book offers the readers a brief history of flags, their evolution and significance. It traces how our National-flag, Tiranga, came into being, took its present form, comprehensive and interesting, this extensively researched book also comprises numerous illustrations, rare photography and fascinating trivia on flags. It is undboubtedly, the ultimate reference book on flags in general, and an authority and guide on the Tiranga in Popular.
Speakers of the Lok Sabha - Past to Present" is about the role of the Speaker, his term of office, election to the August office, his duties while conducting the business of the House. The office of the Speaker occupies a pivotal position in Indian democracy. This volume is all about the office of the Speaker and how he maintains the high dignity of his office. The books also provides readers about the life sketches of all the Speakers till date with ...
The 'Changing Face of Haryana', is the complete story of the state covering all its aspects. The book has given a detailed account of state's history right from the early Aryan days. It also talks about the cultural contribution of Haryana in the history of the country. The monographs on different aspects of Haryana as published by the Kurukshetra University have been the main source for presenting facts for readers. An abridged brief on all the 20 districts of ...
This book is about the evolution of adult education in India. It also traces the genesis of the concept of adult education in Europe and how it spread in other parts of the world. The book deals in great depth, the history of the growth of adult education in this sub-continent. While new and innovative developments have taken place in most developed countries, the concept of adult education in India has evolved around basic literacy. Hope the students of social ...
This book spotlights the issues related to women in India. Most Indian women suffer unequal relationship throughout their life be it family or society. But, the level of their consciousness about their disparities differs depending upon their socio-economic background. Since independence successive governments have rules social legislation to curb social ills, yet old social customs and behaviour responsible for these evils have not effectively changed. Educated ...
This book is about the national policy on education and literacy in India. The term 'adult education' was first coined in the English language only in 1851. Though, certain striking developments in the field had manifested in different parts of the country, the national policy has come a long way. The nation is firmly committed to providing education for all, the priority areas being free and compulsory primary education, covering children with special needs, ...
The volumes I and II have deep linkage with several aspects of socio-economic and political developments in connection with the policy of the Raj and reaction of the Indian leaders. The theme commences with the spirit of domination between the English and the French, resulting into Anglo-French struggle for a few decades. The role of Clive has been highlighted. Besides the volumes deal with the role of the India office, the imperial government, Indian states, ...
Mid-May, 2007 when the political air in the country started scenting election to the twelfth elected President of India, it struck the author to follow day to day developments in the matter. To chronicle details the author recorded facts in an essay "Battle Raisina Hill--2007" which is appended at the end of the book. This book, therefore, provides the latest information about the First Citizens of India from Dr. Rajendra Prasad to Smt. Pratibha Patil. ...