The series entitled 'Bengal Miscellany' has been designed to focus on the different aspects of Bengal's history, economy and culture through academic papers written by eminent scholars and young researchers.
Public Health in Colonial Calcutta and the Calcutta Corporation, 1923-1947: Selections from Journals and Newspapers
The series entitled 'Bengal Miscellany' has been designed to focus on the different aspects of Bengal's history, economy and culture through academic papers written by eminent scholars and young researchers. The first volume in the series was published in June 2008. The present volume, second in the series, brings together fifteen rich, informative and will-researched articles which were previously published in 'CLIO', the interdisciplinary ...
History of Public Health Colonial Bangal 1921-1947
This is a collection of miscellaneous essays on various aspects of the history of Bengal ranging from economic transition, child marriage, missionary work, Tagore's rural reconstruction programme on public health, his concept of education to Bengali Babus, indigenous fishing technologies and Manmohan Ghosh a political leader. It is a panorama of colonial history at a micro level which can be generalised for other regions of India.