Showing all 3 books
Forests are valued for many different things; they are the home of indigenous people, reserves of medicinal plants, support a high biodiversity, and provide ecosystem services such as protection from erosion, landslides, storms, tidal surges and wave action. Mangrove forests provide many products of commercial value (fin fish, shell fish, honey, timber, fodder etc.). Additionally, forests sequester carbon, which is another good reason to conserve them. This book ...
The present book is designed for acquiring a basic knowledge on marine and estuarine phytoplankton and zooplankton, which are tiny free-floating biotic components of the aquatic ecosystem. These drifting biological chips of the aquatic system play and important role in maintaining the global carbon cycle and also in spinning the marine food web. It is well known that phytoplankton are the sources of fossil fuels, and form the foundation stone of world fishery. ...
In the marine and estuarine environments, the main source of energy is the Sun (although hydrothermal vent community may be treated as exception) which charges the freefloating producers of the ecosystem, the pelagic phytoplankton to provide energy to different biotic communities existing in the every oscillating fluid environment of the earth. Many photosynthetic protests and other small photosynthetic organisms (cyanobacteria and some of the groups of ...