34 books
Three things come magically together in this remarkable series of paintings: a great text, a delectable old romance, and the work of one of the most talented families of painters known to Indian art. The text is the 12th century Naishadhacharita of Sriharsha, one of the last great kavyas of Sanskrit literature. The story, told with the utmost delicacy, centers around the intense love that grew – mutual sights heard of, but yet unseen – between King ...
Mughal miniatures are a vivid account of the cultural, sociopolitical scenario of the Mughal era. Jalal-ud-Din Muhammad Akbar, the most powerful Mughal emperor, was a great aesthete and promoter of arts. Eminent Persian and Indian artists thronged his Royal Studio and were encouraged to paint numerous emotive miniatures of style and substance, communicating highly complex narratives. These miniatures are a beautiful manifestation of human expressions, vividly ...
A Leaf Turns Yellow: The Sufis of Awadh is a thoroughly researched account of Sufism in Awadh, India. This illustrated volume introduces the reader to its history, traditions, sub-cultures, institutions and poetry. Each essay in this anthology is by a renowned scholar. Together, they explore the ways in which Sufism influenced, and was influenced by, social mores and expressive traditions, emerging as a way of living and thinking unique to the region. In a time ...
Buddhism in Kashmir has the contributions of sixteen professors from India, Hongkong, Moscow, Berlin, Kathmandu and Bangkok. It details the work of Kashmiri masters in the transmission of sutras to China, the legendary visit of Lao-tzu to Kashmir, the role of Kashmiri teachers in Khotan and Tibet, the articulation of Vaibhasika doctrines by Sanghabhadra in a Chinese translation by Xuan zang, Buddhist terracottas, stupas and monastery in Ambaran Jammu deification ...
What is Hinduism? What forms its essence and what are its teachings? How does one best practise its various cultural externals?
With its vast, ancient literature and deep metaphysics, at the core of which lie the Vedanta Sutras of Vyasa, the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads known together as prasthana traya, Hinduism strives to explore truth and the true nature of reality. Yet the questions remain; how does one practise Hinduism today under the neon glare of ...
Secrets of Living is based on the teachings of Bhagavad Gita, one of the most widely read books in the world. In today’s busy life, we hardly get any time to meditate deeper into the meaning and purpose of life. We tend to take certain things for granted such as our status, wealth, educational achievements, etc. and also presume that they will be given to us in our next birth. But scriptures do not endorse this view. All our possessions, or the lack of ...
The civilization of the Indian subcontinent is by far the world’s oldest living civilization. A Treasury of Indian Wisdom traces its intellectual and spiritual history over 5000 years.The anthology begins with Vedic hymns, journeys into the heart of Vedantic philosophy through the Upanishads, and discusses the fundamental truths offered by Buddhist and Jain monks. Presenting the beauty and devotion in the verses of the Bhakti, Sufi and Sikh gurus, it ...
The objective to the background of this publication has been to follow an equilibriated and realistically inter-disciplinary approach for enhancing productivity with sustainability. Hence, research papers and review articles contained in this publication have focused on vital aspects relating to productivity of crops and plants. Scientific information on practical aspects of osmoconditioning, thermoconditioning and invigoration of seeds for enhancing seed yield ...
A national seminar on approaches for plant production under environmental stresses was jointly organized by Indian Society for Plant Physiology (ISPP) and Rajasthan Agricultural University (RAU) and Durgapura (Jaipur), Research Campus of the University. The present treatise is the outcome of those efforts. The volume includes contributory research papers, and review articles on various basic, application oriented (basic and applied) aspects of plant improvement ...