Showing all 6 books
Around 1945, in the area of Nag Hammadi in Upper Egypt, some peasants accidentally discovered some 53 parchments, written in Sahidic Coptic, buried in a large jar one meter high. Those leather-bound papyrus codices were mostly Gnostic texts, including the prestigious 'Gospel of Thomas'. The Gospel of Thomas, dated 4th century AD, is composed of 114 logia or sayings from Jesus, which reveal that the Kingdom is already present in each of us contrary to the ...
The truth which can be spoken is, for sure, not the truth. Truth is never beautiful and beauty is never true. Thats the first premise in Tao, says Karl. For someone who summarily dismisses any possibility of anyone ever knowing truth, its a wonder that this guy Karl is still in business-seasoned seekers forever longing to listen to him and not getting enough of it!
I am just answering unnecessary questions with unnecessary answers, 'I cannot give you anything nor ...
This is a work on the Avadhut Gita (song of the free) of Dattatreya. Incorporating he Sanskrit verses so that they can be independently interpreted by readers, it discusses the unique feature of the ancient work that offers stunningly paradoxical proclamations that strike at the root—the imagination —itself which is found to be an impediment to reality. The volume is organised into seven chapters as the original Avadhut Gita has been arranged, with ...
Its the welcome release from needing any release which makesKarls display of 'the audacity of hopelessness in this book soenchanting and endearing.
If you believe you have made it spiritually it may be worthwhileto test your 'understanding through an encounter with Karl.Honestly though, in such a situation, he is not the kind of guy youwould particularly enjoy meeting! In the now overcrowded world ofsagely Advaita gurus dishing out profound insights into our ...
Extreme - thats how seasoned Advaita buffs would term the KarlRenz brand of Advaita, suggesting compromise as an option. Howeverthe option of compromising or not itself gets burnt out in theuntamed fire of Karls living words.
I would rather kill myself than bullshit myself, says Karl,scoffing at requests to be nice or accommodating to listenersgasping for survival. By neither confirming nor destroying coreideas of mind, no-mind, presence, absence, real, unreal, ...