Showing all 4 books
Mineral Economics has emerged as a well-recognised specialised discipline in a number of developed countries as well as in India. What was however lacking, was a constant and systematic appreciation of the economic theories and principles that are related to the different facets of mineral development. The first edition of this book published in 1993, filled that long standing void in a logical and lucid manner. After 1993, there has been a sea-change in the ...
The book is about much more than a mere list of uses of the energy minerals, which are the most important concerns of one and all now-a-days. In this book, all the eight energy minerals have been brought within one cover. The book traces the history of use of each mineral to its beginning-in India, as well as in the other parts of the world; it explains the reasons why a particular grade of a particular mineral is used for a particular purpose. then it also gives ...