Kavita Juneja

Showing all 16 books
"Members of the phylum Mollusca are among the most conspicuous invertebrates and include such familiar forms as clams, oysters, squids, octopods and snails. In abundance of species, molluscs comprise the largest invertebrate phylum aside from the Arthropoda. Over1,00,000 living species have been described. In addition, some 35,000 fossil species are known. An introduction to Mollusca is the second revised and enlarged edition of the book. It has been ...
The Recent Trends in Chordates is carefully organized and clearly written books emphasize the salient facts of anatomical, histological, embryological, physiological and evolutionary concepts of various facets of chordates. The origin and adaptive radiation of each of the main animal classes having been succinctly described.A primary aim throughout has been clarity so as to make the text selective and meaningful. It will make itself immediate useful to students. ...
Coelenterata was formerly regarded as Phylum divided into two subphyla: Subphylum Cnidaria and Subphylum Acnidaria. The name Coelenterata has been derived from two Greek words, Koilos = hollow, enteron = intestine. Thus the name of this phylum literally means hollow intestine but hollow bodies is considered more appropriate because actual intestine is not found in coelenterates. An Introduction to Coelenterata is the revised and enlarged second edition of the ...
Aves constitute a well-defined group of vertebrates. They possess a sense of strongly marked characters such as distinguish hardly any other class. An Introduction to Birds is the second revised edition of the book. This text is designed to approach the morphology, anatomy, physiology and development of the Birds in a coherent way. The book features both a text and a laboratory guide. It deals with the structures and physiological phenomena of each system. ...
The science of ecology, born at the beginning of the last century after a gestation period of several hundred years, has now not only matured into an honoured and respected scholarly discipline and field of research but has also become a household word as it relates to the general condition of the environment. This book is an effort to summarize the basic concept and principles of the subject, to present the elementary factual information with which a person to ...
An Introduction to Amphibia is designed to approach the anatomical features of amphibians, dealing with the structural and physiological phenomenon of each system. This book is a comprehensive guide though it does not burden the students with unnecessary details. Easy understandable illustration, correct and latest information are the main features of this title. The present second revised edition of the book consists of seventeen chapters, namely Amphibia: ...
The second revised edition of An Introduction to Reptiles is carefully organized, clearly written textbook emphasises the origin and evaluation, structure, function and life of reptiles, both existing and extinct, with special emphasis on their adaptation to different mode of life. The subjects that receive special attention are: adaptive radiation, Dinosaurs, skull of reptiles, sphenodon chelonia etc. One of the principal aims of the book is to present the ...
An Introduction to Arthropoda is the revised and enlarged second edition of the book. The book presents a comprehensive synthesis of various arthropods including crustaceans, insects and arachnides. It deals with the general characters, morphological, anatomical, physiological and developmental features of the various types prescribed in Indian syllabi. The book provides a nucleus around which the teachers can plan a successful course without too much learning on ...
The present revised and second edition of the book has been carefully organised and clearly written to help advance students and other engaged in teaching. The subject matter has been presented in a step by step systematic manner with clear understandable illustrations. It deals with the morphology, anatomy, physiology and embryology of Balanoglossus, Herdmania and Amphioxus. Special emphasized chapters are Hemichordata: characters& classification; Subphylum ...
The book presents a comprehensive synthesis of mammalian morphology, anatomy, physiology, embryology and origin and evolution. This book provides nucleus around which the teachers can plan a successful course without too much learning on complementary and supplementary readings. Efforts have been made to avoid overburdening the students with information. Many of the omissions are intentional to make the text selective.The second revised edition of the book ...
This book is an attempt to make the students of under graduate level understands the current state of animal body at the level of its functional features. Emphasis in this book is mainly on the functions of its component organs and organ systems under its natural environment. Phenomena at subcellular to tissue levels are discussed to provide perspective at organs to whole body level.The subject of physiology being exhaustive, the author has treated only those ...
Member of phylum Echinoderm are exclusively marine and are largely bottom dwellers. All are relatively large sized animals, most being at least several centimeters in diameter. The most striking characteristic of this phylum is their pentamerous radial symmetry i.e., the body can usually be divided into five parts arranged around a central axis. The phylum contains about 6000 known species and constitutes the only major group of deuterostome invertebrates.An ...
Annelida consists of two words one is Latin annulus meaning a ring and a Greek eidos meaning form. Annelids are typical animals that burrow or crowl upon the bottom in the ocean or in fresh water.And Introduction to Annelida is the second revised and enlarged edition of the book. It has been designed to approach the morphology, anatomy, physiology and development of selected type in a simple and lucid style. The approach to the discussion of all the types is very ...
The present title is a thoroughly revised, enlarged and comprehensive uptodate textbook. This is an indispensable text meeting complete requirements of undergraduate and postgraduate students of Zoology. It has been designed to approach the morphology, anatomy, physiology and development of selected type in a very simple and lucid style. According to the scheme of treatment the important animal types of each phylum have been dealt with first, and efforts have ...