Showing all 4 books
A 5-volume collection, this course consists of three textbooks, an Answer Book and a Teacher's Guide. The course is aimed at 11-14 year old pupils though some of it is very suitable for children from 8 years. The remarkable system of Vedic mathematics was created after careful study of ancient Sanskrit texts early last century. The Vedic system with its direct, easy and flexible approach forms a complete system of mental mathematics (though the methods can ...
The remarkable system of Vedic mathematics was created after careful study of ancient Sanskrit texts early last century. The Vedic system with its direct, easy and flexible approach forms a complete system of mental mathematics (though the methods can also be written down) and brings out the naturally coherent and unified structure of mathematics. Many of the features and techniques of this unique system are truly amazing in their efficiency and originality. ...
Since the publication of the book “Vedic Mathematics†by Sri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji, many new applications of the Vedic system have been found. Vedic Mathematics contains many examples of striking methods of calculation and there is a remarkable coherence to the system which makes it very attractive. Astronomical Applications of Vedic Mathematics is a self-contained book which shows Vedic Mathematics applications in many areas of Astronomy including ...
The unchanging laws of numbers have always been a source of delight and inspiration. Particularly attractive are the Pythagorean triples which have so many elegant and interesting properties. Pythagorean triples, like 3,4,5 have been a fascination for thousands of years. Now, for the first time, a simple and elegant system, based on these triples, have been developed which reveals unexpected applications in many areas of pure and applied mathematics. These ...