Showing all 3 books
The book, Economic Reforms in India, traces neatly the background against which India adopted a three-pronged strategy of economic reforms comprising privatisation, liberalisation and globalisation. It has scanned microscopically the entire gamut of the current reforms process in India, and carefully delineated the arguments for and against the Reforms and, the revival of the market mechanism as the principal instrument of economic growth and development. The ...
The book World Trade Organisation and the Third World traces neatly the background against which the General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade (GATT) was formed with the objective of upholding free and fair trade at global level, up to the final Agreement arrived at under GATT. An overview is made about the results of the various rounds of trade talks/ negotiations concluded so far under the aegis of GATT, in particular, about the Uruguay Round- the last round, ...
The book, Participatory Development: A Case Study, neatly discusses theoretical issues like democracy for development, Indian experience of planning and its failures. It has explained how and why the conventional approach to India's development planning has failed to achieve the avowed objectives. It also elaborately discusses the participatory way of rural development with pointed explanation why participation is needed in the context of modern planning in a ...