Showing all 17 books
Transforming International Communication: Media, Culture and Society in the Middle East brings together 15 chapters that analyse a wide variety of issues and cases concerning the interrelations between media and social change and their capacity for shaping the current social and political discourses in the Arab world. The book provides an understanding of how contemporary media can shape practices of organizing, decision making and mobilization in the Arab world. ...
New Media and pathways to Social Change: Shifting Development Discourses bring together 16 Chapters that analyse a wide variety of issues and cases concering the interrelations between new media and social change shapping the current development discourses. It is hoped to be a welcome addition to the on-going debate on new media and information policies for sustainable development with specific, ensuring democracy, good governance in the context of multicultural ...
The purpose of this book E-Journalism : New Media and News Media is to examine the role of the new media and how the nature of news media and news presentation has changed dramatically over the last decades with the emergence of new media technology and growing popularity of electronic news media. It also discusses how electronic media journalism is changing and challenging the identities of the occupations and organizations that make up the news industry. This ...
A lot is already written on development communication, but this book addresses feminist perspectives on development communication. The scope of the book extends to a variety of perspective and sharing personal experiences as well as contemporary issues on theory, practice and processes of women’s empowerment. The book is divided into three well organized sections which theorizes, contextualizes and reassesses the field feminist development ...
This important book Communication, Modernisation and Social Development—probably the first to analyse the complexities of development communication—focuses on the interdisciplinary basis, the multidimensional features and facets of communication for social development and integrates them together. This volume presented in a global perspective highlights the relationship between communication and modernisation and their ...
Issues relating to health have been given priority during the present and the past centuries. The programmes initiated towards better health,in developing countries, were not succcessful in improving the quality of life of the people. By presenting this book to the academic world and policy makers, the editors have enriched the existing limited literature on health Issues.The work has 36 chapters, classified under six parts. The issues covered under them are ...
Information and Communication Technology: Recasting Development sets out to illustrate the application of ICTs for recasting development in India and several other developing societies. This path-breaking book explores the applications of ICTs in the core sectors of agriculture, healthcare, geographic information system, networking, rural and industrial development. Another major focus of the book is the implication of communication convergence, the development ...
Communication and Empowerment of Women: Strategies and Policy Insights from India (In 2 Volumes) addresses the interrelationships between communication strategies and policies for women’s empowerment from an interdisciplinary perspective. This book seeks to raise social consciousness on women, redefine agendas and rethink strategies that will empower women. The chapters in the book link theory, policy, strategy and practice in communication and women’s ...
Political Communications is a broad cognitive field of enormous national and international interest attracting attention as a special field of study by students and researchers of various disciplines. The mass media are important in shaping the political process; they are channels for the diffusion of constructive ideas, promoting enlightened public opinion, highlighting processes of governance, serve as a forum for public policy debate and are watchful of the ...
No Book on women’s studies can ignore the tremendous impact of mass communication on the modern world. This volume highlights the images and presentation of women in media, women as media professionals, the contribution of various bodies and women’s movement to gender justice. The call for gender justice and gender equality through the efforts of women’s organizations and eminent women has opened several hitherto closed areas to debate and public discourse ...
Women in Rural Development: Contemporary Social Policy and Practice addresses the socio-economic status of rural women in India, the origin of rural development, development planning shift towards rural women, development programmes of the government, and policies and programme interventions for empowerment of rural women. The book begins with an overview of the policies and practice for the development of rural women. The second section presents a wide spectrum ...
Globalization is the fundamental idea that has set in motion a process of change in the Asian and African countries challenged by the collapse of welfare measures and they are in the process of synthesizing a new world order. The grip of tradition and cultural stereotypes is loosening and women are attempting to crack the glass ceiling through innovative strategies and fresh development initiatives. This book seeks to apply this framework and expand the study of ...
There are many books on Media laws and communication ethics, but today journalism and communication studies are being transformed by new media and communication convergence. This book tries to unravel the complication and updates the curriculum on communication regulations. This book is designed keeping in mind the UGC Core Curriculum for the course Media Law and Ethics offered at the masters degree for students of Journalism, Mass Communication, electronic ...
HIV and AIDS: Vulnerability of Women in Asia and Africa is a valuable advocacy tool for addressing the complex challenge of drawing attention to empower women to protect themselves and their families from the epidemic. This book focuses on the vulnerability of women in Asia and Africa to HIV/AIDS from various forces such as the wider social, cultural, economic and political factors. It takes a hard look at the risks of HIV/AIDS that affect women ...
`Communication for Development' is a broad cognitive field of enormous international, national and regional interest attracting attention as a special field of study by students and researchers across disciplines. New media and communication convergence are reshaping the ways in which communication can be used in development infusing renewed interest in the field as a subject of serious academic study. This book includes these new developments and has been ...