Showing all 7 books
All business decisions are basically activated to achieve the goals of profitability, liquidity and growth. But these goals are not always mutually compatible and growing business, in particular, faces the problem of overtrading as their financial resources do not always expand in tune with their physical output. Growth is essential but the danger is that over—vigorous growth may bring financial distress if the company fails to generate sufficient cash flow in ...
The book is a collection of articles/research papers contributed by academics, scholars, administrators, officials of various organisatons, professionals and entrepreneurs of Tripura. It is a unique contribution in the area of entrepreneurship and small business of the state. The book deals with different aspects of entrepreneurship development in small scale sector of Tripura. The book examines the growth and development of entrepreneurship and explains how the ...
Human development is a powerful concept than conventional measure of gross national product (GNP) in understanding human well being. With the rejection of "Trickle down hypothesis" rising disillusion with assumed positive association between growth and well-being, new insights gained in the relationship between growth and equality the nullifies the claim of negative relationship at least at early stage of growth, the exploration of the capability ...
Women's issues, of late, is receiving immense attention across the globe. Seminars, conferences, workshops etc, are being organised at various international, national or regional platforms. The focal point of such discussion often revolve around the subject of women's empowerment which has become a matter of serious concern for the policy makers. In this situation issues pertaining to empowerment of women in Tripura cannot simply be ignored but requires special ...