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It defnies the modern and scientific techniques of inventory management as applied to control and reduction in the cost in the public enterprise.
Capital markets play a crucial and effective role in the economic development a nation. It provides the financial resources needed for the long term and sustainable development of the different sectors of the economy. The health of the economy is reflected in the two wings of the capital market, i.e. New Issue market and the secondary market. The present study makes an endeavour to outline the theoretical, legal and operative framework and present position of New ...
If your are a actual lover of music and want to learn playing on any musical instrument, than the sitar will be prove your best choice. Just like the harmonium and synthesizer, you can also sing while playing on your sitar, but it is not compulsory. Opposite to the tabla, guitar and harmonium its pitch of sound remains very low, so your neighbours will not disturb when you will play on your sitar. Not only this, the strings of the sitar produces so harmonic ...
The craze of modern society and the best friend of teenagers, Casio or synthesizer is the most advanced model of harmonium. Although the synthesizer is operated by electric current and neither it has bellows nor reedboard. But infact, it is operated just like a harmonium. Synthesizers may produce the sounds of five to one hundred musical instruments. There length varied from forty cm. To one and a half meter and cost from three thousand to several lacs. But they ...