Showing all 3 books
An extremely conspicuous lacuna of the historiography of the Vakatakas has been an almost complete absence of any discussion on their economy. The present work makes an attempt to fill this gap. The work takes an overview of economy of the Vakatakas during c. A.D. 300-500 and focuses on its agrarian structure on the basis of epigraphic evidences. An interesting pattern of settlements pointing towards the burgeoning rural settlements and contraction of urbanism ...
A companion volume to the History of Pancala-A Study, the work, for the first time, presents a systematic and nearly a multi-dimensional study of nearly 3000 coins. In addition to a detailed Introduction, the Corpus deals not only with the Pancala coins (Section I) but also incorporates hitherto untapped source, viz. all coins found in the excavations of Ahicchatra conducted in the 1940s as well as the 1960s (Section II). The third section gives details of ...
This monograph deals with a very important phase of Indian history, spanning c. 700 and c. 350 BC. During the period iron technology diffused, transforming and multiplying tools; cities arose and commerce spread; the caste system assumed practically all its essential features; powerful states were formed, with armies and bureaucracies; and finally, Jainism and Buddhism brought about a veritable Religious Revolution. All this is described in four chapters with ...