Showing all 3 books
The Problems of women workers in general-and in the unorganized sector in particular-deserve special attention and focus in view of their marginalized position within the class of workers. The position of women workers in rural India is considerably lower than that to constitute by women belongings to the lowest social status groups. A number of national and international studies have documented the sex-typing of jobs and occupations by women. Occupational ...
The present book is a comprehensive study of the poetry and the novels of Walter de la Mare, the last one of the romantic school of poetry. It is perhaps the first ever Indian critical response to Walter de la Mare. The authors of the book succinctly explore the thematic and stylistic qualities of his poetry; and place his novels in the Gothic tradition. The book not only gives a peep into the age but also tries to revive our interest in the world of phantasy and ...
This book on Indian Drama in English is a yeoman service to the criticism of drama in India as it is the least treaded area of Indian literature in English. It comprises critical materials on both original plays in English and on translations from the regional languages. It covers both well known playwrights and their plays and rediscovers the hidden gems. It consists of twenty two well researched, comprehensive and scholarly papers by the writers of repute. It ...