Kumari Swarnim

Showing all 12 books
This technology is still used by some South American Indians and Africans to slay game and to down a human enemy or two. It was standard operating procedure to dip arrows in fecal material or decaying meat before attacking an enemy as the role of infection in debilitating an opponent was well understood, fecal matter usually harbors the gas gangrene bacterium, Clostridium perfringens, and often the tetanus bacillus, Clostridium tetani. The poisoning of an ...
“Disaster management is an emerging discipline and has applications in frontline areas of disaster preparedness, floods, droughts, landslides, avalanches, cyclones, storms, Tsunamis, el-ninos, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, forest fires and man made disasters like industrial accidents, rail and air accidents, technological disasters, war and its effect on the people and environment. Disaster management has become a frontline applied science and is of ...
"When a large industrial plant or a small container releases a substance, it enters the environment. This release does not always lead to exposure. You are exposed to a substance only when you come in contact with it by breathing, eating, touching, or drinking. If you are exposed to acetone, many factors determine if you'll be harmed and how badly. These factors include the dose (how much), the duration (how long), and how you're exposed. You must ...
This book presents an overview of the current and future markets for biodiesel in India. It also provides feedstock analysis, market drivers restraints and future strategies for the industry. In this research Frost and Sullivan's expert analysts thoroughly examine the biodiesel and bioethanol markets.India's crude oil petroleum products supplies are largely import-dependant. With oil import expenditure increasing by more than six times in the last 25 ...