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Lawns are the common feature of private gardens, private landscapes and parks in many parts of the world and are made for aesthetic pleasure as well as for sports or other outdoor recreational use. These provide cushion in sports such as rugby, football, soccer, cricket, baseball, golf, tennis and hockey.
The lawn has become a central element in landscapes. Turf-grass-culture, is a multi-billion dollar industry in the world. Turf grasses provide recreational ...
Floriculture has emerged as an immense entrepreneurial opportunities for small and marginal farmers and a way forward to earn foreign exchange. With the increase demand of flowers, floriculture has become one of the important commercial trades and has emerged as hightech activity taking place under controlled environment inside greenhouses. Indian floriculture is now viewed as a high growth dynamic industry. The liberalisation of industrial and trade policies ...
Gardening deals with growing and cultivation of plants for their flowers, foliages or overall appearance for consumption and for use as dyes or for medicinal or cosmetic use. Home gardening is found to be an effective approach to improve household food security by supplying families with most of the non staple foods year round. Community and family vegetable garden and fruit gardens play a significant role in increasing small scale production of micronutrient ...
Vegetable crops, the important component of horticulture security which is required in daily diet of both rich and poor. An attempt has been made to organize this book is such a way that it will be useful to everyone interested in the world of vegetables particularly those increasing number of people who are concerned with both underutilized and exotic vegetables. The contents of this publication have been dealt with 26 chapters covering varied topics on ...
The present publication on Ornamental Crop Breeding has been organized in such a way that it will be useful to everyone interested in the world particularly to hobbyist plant breeders amateur gardeners flower breeders and technocrats. This book will vividly highlight genetical and breeding application in flower crops covering wide range of aspects. There are 15 interesting and informative introductory chapters on history origin and evolution genetics reproduction ...
Herbs have been used to promote and safeguard health, relieve pain and discomfort, heal diseases and wounds and refresh the mind. Herbal medicines are preferred over synthetic drugs and antibiotics since the herbs possess many healing properties without side effects. Herbs are the sacred medicine with great power, which no pharmacist can excel or even imitate fully. There is a growing need for information on medicinal herbs and flowers, their chemical ...
The changing scenario in international trade in ornamental crops which provide unlimited export opportunities, demand perfection in post-harvest technology to offer quality plant products to the people around the world, all the year round. Great achievements have made over the years in this important area to match the requirements of the global market. This publication is planned in 28 chapters to review, illustrate, streamline and highlight the achievements on ...
A most comprehensive book on fruit crop with exclusive and elaborate information on various aspects of large number of edible fruits in a single publication is the first of its kind. Emphasising the global scenario this publication is planned in 24 interesting chapters with upto date knowledge. It includes 201 genera and more than 630 species of major and minor fruits, with special reference to taxonomical details, origin and distribution, climate and soil, ...