Aphids constitute the largest group of insect-vectors of plant viruses and have worldwide importance as the most important group of crop pests. The Fauna of India and the adjacent countries, in this group, forms about 16% of the world fauna. The "Fauna of India and the adjacent countries" on Aphidoidea has been published in six parts (part I –Chaitophorinae, II-Lachninae, III-Pemphiginae, IV –Poloemyzinae, Anoeciinae and Hormaphidinae, V ...
This Handbook on Hemipteran pests in India is the first attempt to furnish a comprehensive document on pest species of Hemiptera (Insecta) dealing with taxonomy as well as other applied aspects with a view to have all information under one cover. Apart from providing a full taxonomic treatment of all the pest species known from India together with keys for their identification, it also includes in-depth information known, on various other aspects such as ...