Lalita Kogata

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Love is God and God in love; it is universal and knows no limits. This work of 100 valuable and carefully chosen quotes with aesthetic illustrations defines the virtues of love in its aestheic dimensions in a crisp and concise manner and projects it as the nature's most prized gift to the mankind.
The 100 inspirational quotations compiled herein speak to the soul, and the thematic art works that are a visual delight, are all about leading a happy, successful life even in the face of odds. The quotes become handy in certain situations when one looks around for some advice or encouragement.
In the life of a human being the most sweet and memorable part is its childhood, say from its second year till its seventh or eighth. During this time the child is very innocent, full of life, playful, has no responsibility or worry, and when in fear or pain it calls its mother and she is there ever ready to protect it. It understands no restriction and has freedom to go and talk to anybody in the house. It does not know how to hate anyone -- in fact, it is like ...
"Vasudaiva Kutumbakam" -- "the world is my family." Indian culture teacher us this motto, i.e. to treat all beings, animate and inanimate, in the world as our family members. Our small family is run by a father and a mother. The father works and earns money, and with it the mother runds the houshold. Both look after the children in the best way possible. In the Hindu pantheon there is a famous family or Parivaar -- that of Lord Shiva ...
Taittiriya Upanishad says, "Pitru devo bhava"-consider your father as a god. We owe our existence to our father and mother, and in that sense they are our creators and therefore, gods. We cannot see God, the Creator of this universe, in person and offer our respects to Him. To make matters easy for us, God created father and mother and presented them before us in flesh and blood. By serving our father and mother we can pay back at least a little portion ...
A man has many roles to play in life-a son, brother, husband, householder and father. The most important of these roles is that of husband. Only after becoming a husband a man becomes a householder and father. Epics, Puranas and other literature extol the role of a husband and list a number of dos and don'ts so that he can lead a chaste life and earn virtues and good reputation for himself as well as for his family. It is said that a husband is the source of ...
The sacraments of Hinduism have social, spiritual as well as scientific importance. They fill the mind with noble and virtuous thoughts and help humans lead a happy and contented life even as they have been proved to be beneficial. The volume aims to familiarize the readers with one of the most important sacraments, that relating to marriage. Marriage is considered a very significant ritual for giving society's sanction to a close relationship between a man ...
Sree Maatre Namah-Pranaams to mother. With these words starts Latithaa Sahasranaam, or the 1,000 names of Devi. The privilege you can take with your mother, you cannot take even with your father. During the nine months a baby is inside the mother, the mother gives her own food, blood and nourishment tot eh unborn foetus so that it could develop into a fullgrown baby. During the nine months and during child-birth, the amount of fasts, hardships, worries, ...
A woman has many roles to play in life-a daughter, sister, wife and mother. The most important of these roles is that of wife. Only after becoming a wife woman becomes a mother which brings fullness to her life. Epics, Puranas and other literature extol the importance of wife to a husband. She is a friend, philosopher and guide to him. In times of plenty all relatives and friends flock to a man like bees and ants to a ripe fruit, but at times of adversity a man ...