Laxmi Devi

48 books
Theories of Child Development; Child Development: Theoretical and Conceptual Issues; Growth and Development of Children; Stages and Principles of Child Development; An Introduction to Principles and Practice; Aspects of Development; Genetics; From Conception to Birth; The Body Develops; Basic Factors in Development of Child; Developing Child; The Newborn Infant; Physical Growth and Development; Physical and Motor Development; Motor Development; Motor Development ...
Children are a supremely important asset of a nation. The state should provide adequate services to children, both before and after birth and through the period of growth to ensure their full physical, mental and social development. The present book contains most informative material on policies and programmes related to child development. The material is compiled from authoritative sources.Main topics elaborated are: UN Action and National Policies for Children ...
Health, Nutrition and Early Childhood Education contains authoritative information on diverse aspects of health and nutrition. The major topics dealt are: A Time to Look at Child Health; Child Health & Social Work Intervention; Child Health : A Situational Analysis; Health Problems among Slum Children; Voluntary Action for Community and Child Health; An Appraisal on Child Health; Health Culture-Problems and Prospects; Health and Educational Needs of Rural ...
Overview of Child Welfare; Perspectives on Child Welfare Services; Child Welfare Services in Other Countries; Child Welfare Services in India; Development of Child Welfare Services; Maternity and Child Welfare Services; Child Welfare in Politics; Child Welfare Act in Parliament; Typical Urban Study in Child Welfare; welfare of Children in Distress; Ecological Factors, Child Mortality and Survival; Living Conditions-Physical Environment; Day Care as a Resource to ...
'Planned economic development' is the basis for advancement of any society and nation-state. Various techniques, strategies and policies are formulated, executed and adopted by different govts. And planning agencies for development. Amidst plenty of literature on the topic, the present book is unique. The main themes dealt herein are: Dimensions of Development: An Interdisciplinary Approach; region al Planning in India; Balanced Regional Development and ...
Children are an end and means of progress. It is high time to attend the needs and rights of children not as "a mere by-product of product but as an end and means of progress itself." Millions of children the world is growing up in circumstances under which they never are able to fulfill the mental and physical potential with which they are born. This is a human tragedy which contains within itself the seeds of its own renewal. It is imperative to break ...
Development has been one of the ideals and aspirations of all human societies. It has an interest functional value in raising the socio-economic standard and the life style of citizens as it aims to provide basic needs to all, particularly the deprived sections of society. However, the term "Development" has been looked differentially and tends to assume shape according to the discipline and perspective. Viewed from this perspective, its varied ...
There is a growing awareness among the planners, administrators and social workers in the developing countries that social and economic development is a human process whose key ingredients and democratic participation and involvement of the people. The book contains judiciously selected articles, mainly on the theme of 'Social Attitude towards Children'. The topics viz. Child Care: A Global Perspective; State of the World's Children 1994; Child ...