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The book covers almost entire field of Vegetable Science from the history to advances in disease management in the form of objective question and answer. The questions have been farmed very critically in a manner that they cover various aspects of Vegetable Science. The book contains selected and standard questions setup for sound knowledge of the subject. Rare and latest information has been provided in each chapter.This book will also be useful for those ...
The book covers almost entire field of Fruit Science from the history to advances in post harvest management in the form of objective question and answer. The questions have been framed very critically in a manner that they cover various aspects of fruit science. The book contains selected questions setup for sound knowledge of the subject. Rare and latest information has been provided in each chapter.No doubt the book would be of paramount importance for ...
Continuous deforestation for fuel has resulted in soils that are deficient in nitrogen. Mineral fertilizer application are more attractive to foresters but it involves heavy repeated application as the recovery is very low. Such heavy application is not only expensive but also causes negative effects on ground water through an increase in their nitrate content leading to eutorophyzation of water ecosystems. Increased reliance on N-fixing trees could be an ...
Fertilizers have played a key role in the modernisation of Indian agriculture and in making the country self sufficient in food grain production. P is reported to be the limiting plant nutrient in soils and is considered to be the key to crop productivity. Most soils contain insoluble inorganic phosphates but they are of no use to crops unless they are solubilized. Much of the soluble phosphates applied to soils as fertilizers is fixed by the soil and rendered ...
Nitrogen is the mineral nutrient most often in short supply for plant nutrition. It represents the mineral fertilizer most applied to agricultural lands. This is because available soil N supplies are generally inadequate for optimum crop production. The world population is likely to double during next 50 years so also the demand for food. Provision of an adequate supply of fixed N is central to the successful meeting of the food challenge. Fertilizer nitrogen is ...
Green manuring is the practice of ploughing or turning into the soil un-decomposed green plant tissues for the purpose of improving the soil. It is an age old practices adopted to improve the productivity of soil. Green manuring has received little attention during past few decades, mainly because of the fertilizers have become the most commonly used source of supplying nutrients to crop plants. The low cost and ready availability of chemical fertilizers has ...
Composting is the biological decomposition and stabilization of organic substrates under conditions that allow development of thermophilic temperatures as a result of biologically produced heat to produce a final product that is stable, free of pathogens and plant seeds, and can be beneficially applied to land. Composting is one of the best method of recycling to improve soil fertility as well as disposal of organic wastes to check environmental pollution and ...