Showing all 3 books
Social work is the profession that claims to intervene to enhance people’s well-being. However, social workers have played a low-key role in environmental issues that increasingly impact on people’s well-being, both locally and globally. This compelling new contribution confronts this topic head-on, examining environmental issues from a social work perspective. Lena Dominelli draws attention to the important voice of practitioners working on the ...
Social work is facing fundamental changes and challenges. Neo-liberalism, globalsization, corporate management and the mixed economy of welfare have transformed the profession by undermining former certainties of practice. 'Clients' have added their own voice to the need for new models of service delivery. Social Work engages with the dilemmas and opportunities emanating from the contested nature of practice. Using a broad range of theories, this book contested ...
Women have long been the mainstay of communities and heavily involved in community initiatives in various guises. Although often the unsung heroes of collective action, the role of women in a community's growth and development has become increasingly important in a globalising world that has changed considerably since the first edition of this classic text was published. The Author draws on the experiences of women to explore the developments in community work ...