Leo Panitch

Showing all 11 books
Today the left faces new challenges from political forces amassing on the radical right. The 52nd volume of the Socialist Register presents a serious calibration and a careful political mapping of these forces. It addresses pivotal questions on the reordering of the new right. These essays – very broad in terms of themes and places – speak to the global challenges the new right poses for the left at this historical moment.
This year's Socialist Register continues its coverage of the economic crisis. It deepens the analysis with essays on: The global roots of the crisis. The place of the city as a site of capital accumulation and resistance. The fraudulence of neoliberal environmentalism. The intensification of global austerity. It also extends regional coverage of the crisis, with essays on the United States, Latin America, China, Eastern Europe, Ireland, and the Middle East.
Since the current crisis began, it is the ruling classes not labour movements, which have seized the crisis as an opportunity. Even while the public stands disgusted with the speculative orgy that neoliberalism unleashed, even while the mythology of market fundamentalism has been discredited, and even while public sentiment is hostile to the bank bailouts - the response of capitalist states has been to shore up, however they can, the very model that brought the ...
A generalized pathology of chronic mendacity seems to be a structural condition of global capitalism at the beginning of the 21st century. The lies told in Washington and London about the invasion of Iraq are only a conspicuous case of the general problems of legitimacy generated by neoliberalism and empire. Honesty and plain speaking by politicians have become exceptional, and the journalistic profession is shamefully complicit. The empty language and ...
Neoliberal globalization was finally consolidated in the 1990s. Understanding how it works and what it threatens for the future has become a crucial necessity, not only in the impoverished ‘South’ but also in the affluent ‘North’. The pathbreaking analyses collected in this book, written as the globalization decade unfolded, grasp the radical nature of globalization in way a mere series of ‘reforms’ but as a worldwide transformation of all aspects of ...
This, the 43nd volume of the Socialist Register, has been one of the most challenging to put together, even though-or because-it deals with what may well prove to be the most important issue facing socialists in our life-time. This is not just a matter of the complex science and technology involved in understanding the looming environmental crisis, or the variety of problems involved. Over the past dozen or so years the Register has published some ...